Want to Get Fit for Summer? 3 Latina Fitness Gurus Share What Works


Memorial Day has come and gone, so it’s countdown time to summer shorts and yes, bathing suits. In order to inspire and motivate those of us seeking to shape up for beach and pool season, we interviewed three Latina fitness gurus. These women have all built a business around being and staying fit, and are passionate about sharing their fitness and health tips on social media.

Robin Arzón

Arzón, 35, is based in New York city. She is an ultramarathoner, the author of the New York Times bestseller Shut Up and Run (Harper Collins, 2016), and Vice President of Fitness Programming and Head Instructor at Peloton Cycle. Arzón was a lawyer for seven years, during which she realized she was living a pretty sedentary life.

Robin Arzon Ja Tecson

She gives hope to those of us who have not been previously too athletic.

“I didn’t run my first mile until Law school. I felt like I was living a divorced existence, where I had to struggle to carve out time for running late at night,” Arzón told NBC News. She realized she wanted to be paid to work out and she made it happen.

Her workout hours

As an ultra marathoner, Arzón can log in 80 to 100 miles a week when she’s in training. Between leading Peloton cycle classes, pilates, yoga and running, she is physically active between 30 to 40 hours a week. She doesn’t expect her nearly 100K instagram followers to do the same, however.

“I tell my clients to honor what their body can do and manage their fitness schedule like they are the CEO of their body,” Arzón said.

But she confesses to having a low tolerance for excuses, so when people tell her they don’t have time to exercise she recommends they swap out TV watching or a social engagement for a workout. Arzón adds it’s a good idea to schedule workouts in advance, even if they are on 30 minute sessions.

Tips for those seeking to shape up for the summer

For Arzón, fitness is like a marathon. There are no quick fixes. “There is no magic pill. This is a lifestyle. You need to hold yourself accountable. It’s not supposed to be easy. Nobody learns anything from an easy life.”

For those who get easily discouraged, Arzón agrees it’s common to feel that way at first. Wanting to shape up for the summer is great if it acts as a catalyst to get up and get moving, she said. For long-term success, she recommends creating actionable fitness goals with deadlines. For example, exercise twice a week for the duration of the summer — and stick to the goal.

In order for exercise to become part of your lifestyle, Arzón recommends starting out with a solid reason to work out. “If you exercise to be able to play with your kids, have more energy, then that will get you through the bad days.”

If you want to try running, Arzón recommends starting out slow, and count the minutes, not the miles. The biggest mistake most people make is trying to do too much too fast. Build up your stamina slowly, and remember you should be able to have a conversation while running.

Gia Fey

Fey, 33, is based in Manhattan Beach, California. She launched her fitness-based business BodyByGia motivated by her own weight and fitness struggles. Fey became a certified trainer and fitness instructor 14 years ago, after gaining 30 pounds during her first year in college. She thought it would be a hobby at first, but she was soon hooked and made a living as a personal trainer. After eight years of personal training and teaching classes in studios and gyms, she launched her Youtube channel, where she now has nearly half a million followers.

Gia Fey Nicholas Kaat Photography

“My videos were originally made to give my clients added workouts while I wasn’t around. Then after my divorce I focused more on my Youtube channel because it became a place [from which I could help people] around the world,” Fey shared in an interview.

How she works out

Fey says she typically works out between 4 and 6 times a week. She takes indoor cycling classes, yoga and resistance training classes. She also practices TRX, beach workouts and sprinting.

Fey’s tips for people wanting to shape up fast for the summer

For clients that want to lose weight fast, Fey recommends a personalized three-day detox diet. She couples this with three to four days of high intensity training for two weeks.

“I would tell someone wanting to get in shape fast to cut all carbs after 3 p.m., but don’t starve yourself — it slows down your metabolism,” said Fey.

She also recommends drinking one gallon of water a day.

RELATED: 6 Ways to Get More Out of Your Workout

For those who dislike exercise:

Not everyone enjoys working out. In order to make it a part of your lifestyle, Fey recommends finding a workout you like with the right coach or trainer. You can do this in your own home or in a group setting.

“If you know you like working out at home, then find some workout videos and a fun instructor. Knowing what you like would be the first step [towards getting fit].”

Idalis Velazquez

Velazquez, 33, is based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She is the founder of ivfitness, a business that helps people get and stay in shape to enjoy life to its fullest potential.

Velazquez played sports in her native Puerto Rico, competing at the collegiate level in track-and-field. She sustained an injury that forced her out of competitive sports. When later on she became pregnant with her second child, health complications led her to feeling frustrated and unhealthy.

Idalis Velazquez Courtesy of Idalis Velazquez

“I didn’t know how to have a healthy lifestyle other than by training for competitions that I was no longer able to do. My body became weaker, and I also had poor nutrition habits,” Velazquez told NBC News.

Her path back to health and fitness made her aware of the struggles of non-athletes and regular moms to get and stay fit. She became a certified fitness instructor so she could help them shape up. Now, her Instagram feed, with almost 60 thousand followers, provides women with plenty of fitness tips and motivation.

Her workout schedule

Velazquez works out between four and six times per week and her fitness routines are between 20 and 60 minutes long.

“I prioritize strength training, functional movement patterns and complete three to four strength training sessions per week. I always do full-body routines that are metabolically challenging. I keep it challenging by using moderate to heavier weights and resting less in between exercises.”

Her tips to help you make exercise a part of your lifestyle

Velazquez recommends focusing on using fitness as a stress reliever, an energy booster and more importantly, a way to feel stronger in everyday life. When you know that exercising is a great tool to living a healthier and more productive life — and not merely as a way to burn the extra calories you ate or to fit into your skinny jeans — you’ll be more likely to stick with it and enjoy all the benefits.

“Keep your workouts simple and basic and focus on what you can do each day to connect with your body. Make it a goal to become a stronger and each week aim to do a little more. Whether you do 10 or 60 minutes a day, aim to do your best!”

Samsung Gear Fit 2 is now an even better fitness tracker with this update


The Samsung Gear Fit 2 is currently one of the best fitness trackers that money can buy, and part of that praise comes from the fact that it keeps getting regular updates nearly a year after its release.

The latest update to land brings a few minor, but nevertheless welcome improvements that squeeze even more goodness out the wearable.

Samsung’s second-gen smartwatch-lite tracker features a heart rate monitor, which is super useful when you’re trying to measure your exertion during fitness activities. Now, it can break down how long you’ve spent between different levels of heart rate zones.

Courtesy of Samsung

For hardcore athletes, especially marathon runners, maintaining a steady heart rate is key to staying in the race. Even for more general users, knowing how your heart behaves during workouts is incredibly useful to study.

Better yet, the update also adds the ability to help you get to your desired heart rate zone. The Gear Fit 2 will set the pace and guide you to where you need to be, all hands-free.

A custom at-a-glance look and more

Fitness trackers are notorious for having small screens, or no screen at all. Thankfully, Samsung’s has quite a sizeable Super AMOLED display, but absorbing details at-a-glance is still challenging.

Courtesy of Samsung

The new update brings along the ability to toggle metrics on the workout screen with just a tap. For instance, Instead of scrolling through menus to see how long you’ve been active or your current heart rate, you can simply tap the screen and it will swap out the numbers.

The final notable improvement to the wearable is the new SOS feature. If you run into trouble in the gym or out in the wild, you can triple press the home key to send a customized alert to the people of your choosing. It seems like this will only work if you have your phone on you, but it’s still a useful feature.

How has the fitness video adapted to the YouTube age?


In the 1980s, a Lycra-clad Jane Fonda sold millions of her pioneering workout video cassettes. But videotape gave way to DVDs, then along came the internet and digital streaming. So how has the workout video adapted?

When Cassey Ho, 30, logs on to her YouTube page “blogilates” and uploads her latest workout video, she knows she will soon be inundated with comments from fans across all her social media accounts.

The fitness video blogger, or vlogger for short, has amassed nearly four million subscribers to her YouTube channel, as well as millions of followers on Facebook and Instagram.

She is one of a new breed of fitness vloggers exploiting the internet’s ability to beam content to global mass audiences at very low production costs.

It’s a far cry from when fitness queen Jane Fonda inspired millions of people around the world to try aerobics in front of their living room TVs throughout the 1980s. She sold more than 17 million tapes.

Jane Fonda and another woman exercising on the floorImage copyrightEVERETT COLLECTION INC/ALAMY STOCK PHOTO
Image captionJane Fonda (right) was the fitness video queen in the 1980s

Scores of other models, actors and stars followed suit.

But today, you can find more than 30 million fitness videos on YouTube alone, and countless more on other social media platforms.

Budding fitness kings and queens can publish and gain a following without star status, a fancy studio or thousands of pounds’ worth of equipment, simply recording workouts on their smartphones at the beach or in their gardens and editing the content on their laptops.

But unlike the traditional workout video, where weight loss and fitness was the goal, consumers are logging on to their favourite fitness vloggers for a more intimate and interactive experience.

“Fitness videos have switched from being functional to being aspirational content that give people a window into the lives of the fitness influencers they look up to,” says Richard Wilson, chief executive of Clickon Media, a content creation firm.

For example, Zuzka Light, a 35-year-old Czech fitness vlogger now based in Los Angeles, started her channel in 2012. Her vlog shows short workout videos, with some of them attracting up to 20 million views.

Zuzka Light on a paddle boardImage copyrightZUZKA LIGHT
Image captionFitness vlogger Zuzka Light thinks the “personal approach is really key”

Taking her brand on to other social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, has raised her profile, giving her the opportunity to launch a $9.99 a month subscription to her website and her own clothing and food supplement lines.

“I always try to post videos that I would like to watch myself,” she tells the BBC.

“Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve had feedback from my viewers who say they feel connected to me and see me as their friend, their workout buddy.

“I think the personal approach is really key.”

She regularly works with brands, but admits she’s picky about the products she introduces to her audiences.

“Being an influencer I have a responsibility and I wouldn’t want to take advantage of that and promote something I wouldn’t use myself or something I wouldn’t recommend to my loved ones.”

More Technology of Business

A study by marketing platform MuseFind found that 92% of people preferred hearing about brands from influencers, rather than through paid adverts.

“This switch in perspective provides marketers and advertisers the freedom to develop more authentic content that tells a story as opposed to being purely functional and demonstrating things such as weight loss and technique,” says Mr Wilson.

The fitness sector in general is huge, with the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association reporting that global health club industry revenue reached an estimated $81bn (£63bn) in 2015, with around 151 million members worldwide.

And the fitness clothing industry is worth more than $320bn in the US alone, says the NPD Group.

No wonder vloggers are proving very useful for brands trying to reach consumers directly and bypass the growing use of ad blockers on mobiles and desktops.

Cassey Ho and two other women practising PilatesImage copyrightROD FOSTER PHOTOGRAPHY
Image captionCassey Ho has also developed a group fitness business called POP Pilates

“The growth of smartphone usage and mobile video viewing lends itself well to a fitness audience,” says Mark Brill, lecturer in digital communications at Birmingham City University.

“Not only can content be viewed anywhere, but mobile devices also make the interaction personal and more private.

“In the past, word of mouth has been an important way to recommend brands. That has shifted into the digital word of mouth – social media.”

And it’s not just fitness vloggers benefiting from taking their workouts online.

Fitness studios are realising the potential of live streaming videos of classes and videos featuring their clients’ favourite instructors.

Two women and a man in exercise studioImage copyrightBARRE3
Image captionSome fitness studios, such as Barre3, are putting classes online to widen their appeal

Barre3, the ballet-based workout in New York, has a subscription-based fitness video service via its website to allow members to exercise from the comfort of their own homes.

Standalone services, such as Flex TV, which provide online access to live high-intensity interval training workouts and yoga classes, are popping up too.

So the traditional workout video on tape or DVD has adapted to a world in which people are more used to streaming entertainment over services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and YouTube. Declining DVD sales bear this out.

“Fewer people are buying DVDs and it reduces the revenue opportunities for a workout video,” says Mr Brill.

“The new revenue comes from advertising share, especially on YouTube, and from sponsorship for those with a large enough social media following.

“Looking at it that way, it seems almost inevitable that the fitness vloggers will triumph.”